Charleston FAQs

Welcome to Charleston! We can’t wait to share the Holy City with you.

Click through for local tips on planning your trip, and make sure to check out our Charleston Recommendations to find some of our favorite local shops, museums, restaurants, and more!

  • That depends on the experience you want to have! Short answer:

    For best weather: April-May or October-November

    For fewest crowds and best hotel rates: January-February or July-August (excepting holiday or festival weekends)

    Get more details on the happenings in each season at our blog post here.

  • That’s going to depend heavily on the time of year you visit and what you plan to do! The number one thing we recommend, no matter the season or activities, is comfortable walking shoes! Check out our blog post for more detail on our packing tips based on the season.

  • The best way to get oriented in the city is to start with a walking tour!You'll take a leisurely stroll through the beautiful historic district and enjoy entertaining storytelling as you get acquainted with the city's history and architecture.

    Next, we recommend diving into more detail with a visit to some of Charleston's world-class museums, or step back in time when you explore house museums and plantations. Charleston also hosts fabulous boutique shopping and art galleries, and is known and loved for its incredible gastronomy scene. Explore the natural beauty of the lowcountry on a boat tour or with a beach day on one of the nearby barrier islands. There are also countless festivals and events hosted throughout the year, so make sure you're signed up to our newsletter to get the latest updates on happenings in Charleston.